4 Different Types of Air Purifier

Before you go to check out the brand-new air purifiers in a store, it would be interesting to know what types of air purifiers are available in the market. Not all types of air purifiers have the same purpose. They may all seem to be designed to get rid of unwanted airborne particles, but they all have different configurations. All these machines work by attracting air in through a fan and passing it through a filter that acts as the medium to clean the air. But there are huge differences in the type of filters used in one machine from that of another. Some air purifiers do not even use filters. The type of air purifier also depends on what kind of particles they filter out and how it is done. They also differ in the frequency of cleaning and replacing of the collector plates and air filters. So, with respect to all the above variations in the air filters, they can be categorized in the following 4 types: 1. HEPA Air Purifie...